
About ME

Well, Myself Sourabh Soni and i am owner of this astrology blogs since starting, these articles are based on my small experience on astrology, I am not an astrologer, So please make sure about it, Yes my articles are original and purely based on my experience but like you people i also read astrology books and classics etc, So no doubt all credit of my article goes to our indian sages and great rishi's, however faults are mine.
I love film making so i am giving my entire time to learning it, and very less to astrology now, I dont do consultations etc so dont waste your time asking for predictions, astrology is just my passion not my profession so keep in mind.

However still if you wish to contact me, feel free to write me via my social pages, or even you can find small contact form just below of each articles as feedback form.

Thats it...Thanku