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The Karmic Deduction |
a lot for your feedback's which i have got for my previous
retrogression article, and again here i am going to describe another
theory of planetary combustion in Vedic Astrology, I will show you my
research point by point along with examples so that you can understand
it very easily.
we know all such processes are based in astrological views only, its not
happening in the sky, We just consider these steps while calculating
our horoscope so that we can predict the nature and behavior of planets
in normal life because our life is purely based on the planets and
strength and weakness of the planets creating strong impact on our life,
and like a retrogression motion of planets, combustion is also
important concept and we can't ignore it any how.
Anyway lets refer the solar map below so that you can understand this concept easily -
hope through above map you can understand as combustion is all about
distance of the planets from Sun, As there is limitation for each planet
and each planet live in limited distances from the Sun in the sky,
However as we don't care whats happening in the sky, and for us whats
happening in our life does matter a lot for us hence our ancient sages
and astrologers has given combustion theory.
As we all knows Sun is very hot and fiery planet and we consider the same fiery nature of sun in Vedic astrology too -
energy of sun is main source of life in this earth, and sun is
considered as giver of life, however due to its fiery nature Sun is
considered mild malefic planet in Vedic astrology, Because fire has no
friendship with anyone its just act as per its nature and burn
everything which comes closer to it.
thing happen with the Sun, If any planets which comes closer to the Sun
gets burned and which is destroying the significance of the burning
planets -
in Vedic astrology distance between two planets is been measured by the
degree's hence in ancient text there are certain degree has been
described for combustion for specific planet -
Moon: Moon is under 12 degrees from Sun considered as Combusted.
Mars: Mars is under 17 degrees from Sun considered as Combusted.
Mercury: Mercury is in 14 degrees considered as Combusted. (12 degrees If in retrograde Motion)
Jupiter: Jupiter is under 11 degrees from the Sun considered as Combusted.
Venus: Venus is under 10 degrees considered as Combusted. (8 degrees if in retrograde Motion)
Saturn: Saturn is under 15 degrees from the Sun considered as Combusted.
However in modern world
everyone including me is denying above parameters for combustion of any
planet, because in modern time old parameters are not working 100
accurately and even all practical experiences and live feedback's from
peoples are allowing all modern astrologers, not to trust on ancient
written text books blindly.
So as per modern time and based on practical researches any planet gets start burning when its under 10 degree, and if planet is more closer to the sun like under 5 degree to 1 or less degree planet will be considered as burned or combusted.
there is one debate i have seen almost everywhere, which is about
combustion of Mercury and Venus, because they both are the planets which
are always too closed to the sun and quite used to with Sun heat, So can we put Mercury and Venus under combustion concept ???
So answer is "Yes"
and Venus also gets burned if they goes too close to the Sun, however
as they are quite used to with the Sun heat hence they become combusted
when they are under 1 to 4 degree, Mercury is always either would
be one house previous or next to the Sun or could be found in
conjunction with Sun in horoscope and mercury cant break this boundary,
Same happen with Venus also as Venus could be either one or max two
houses ahead or previous to the Sun or could be in conjunction with Sun
in horoscope, but as i said fire has no friends hence Venus and Mercury
also gets affected when they are too closed.
combustion of Venus and Mercury is really a matter of debate, as when
we see horoscope of successful peoples or celebrities where Venus and
Mercury conjunct Sun then we easily saying that Mercury and Venus are
combustion free, however trust me if you refer chart of lower class
peoples then you will actually realize that they both planets are also
not free from combustion and really fire has no friends.
important point about combustion i would like to tell you, is that,
while checking combustion of the planets, must need to check as which
planet holds lowest degree, because its also matters a lot.
There is a conjunction of Mars, Sun and Venus in horoscope and Sun is
in 06:00 degree, mars is in 10 degree, and Venus is in 02:00 Degree, so
actually whats happening here as Sun is in 06:00 degree so as per other
planets degree Mars is going away from the sun as hold higher degree
from the sun, but Venus hold lowest degree from the sun and coming
closer to the Sun, As an impact on human life Mars will do lot better
after the age of 42 even being under combustion (As its going away from
the Sun heat, so later with the time suffering coming due to combustion
will also be less), However Venus will give more struggle and will
create issues as going near to the Sun, Hence please keep this concept
in mind while calculating combustion of the planets in horoscope.
Lets see few horoscopes -
Case Study - 1
horoscope belongs to a Male, Refer his seventh house where Sun and
Venus are in conjunction and both are in 2.37 degree away from each
other as Sun is in 7.40 Degree and Venus is in 05.03 Degree, As Venus
hold lower degree to the Sun and moving towards sun (However Venus is
already in combustion range), as conjunction is in 7th house so person
has got married quite late in life, and has spent his entire life as
middle class even have spent long time in rented house (Venus is lord of
11th which is gains, and lord of 4th which is home life).
Note - Entire
sufferings are not coming from combustion only as its quite clear that
other planets also causing sufferings in above chart, Hence without
proper observation don't blame to combusted planet.
Another example is -
Case Study -2
horoscope belongs to female, Who is still unmarried and quite
struggling in her career, as Mercury which is 7th and 10th lord sitting
in 12th house and very close to the Sun, as Mercury is 09:43 Degree and
Sun is in 08:39 Degree, however they are also getting aspect of Saturn
which is making delay.
basically if any planet in horoscope become combusted by Sun so its
loses its basic significances, and if its a benefic planet which is
combusted in horoscope so its loses is doing good capacity and its
benefic qualities are greatly suffers (Like how the burn person will
react in their life).
if combusted planet is malefic than its become more malefic and somehow
act like hard enemy (If any modifying situation is not present in
horoscope), However any combusted planet act completely negative in the
horoscope only If Combusted planet is in debilitated sign, Weak in Shadbal, Under Paap Kartari yoga and also losing strength in D-9 then it can act like biggest destroyer and mild malefic for horoscope.
there are few parameters which are known as saving factors for the
planet and even being in combustion position, planet can perform very
well in horoscope and these are as below -
1 - If combusted planet is occupying its own or exaltation sign in horoscope.
2 - If Combusted planet is getting strong benefic aspect.
3 - If Combusted planet is sitting in the house where it gets Digbal (Directional Strength).
4 - If Combusted planet is exalted and well placed in divisional charts (Specially in D-9 & D-60).
5 - If Combusted planet is retrograde in horoscope.
Note - Along with above five points combusted planet should not be weak in Shadbal also...!!!
So lets discuss above five points one by one in details along with examples --
any planet is in conjunction with Sun and become combusted in horoscope
however occupied its exaltation sign, so even after combustion
situation planet is able to survive and can't harm concerned area's of
your life too much (But combusted planet should not be weak in Shadbal
and D-9 & D-60).
Refer below horoscope -
Case Study - 3
horoscope belongs to a business woman, In her chart Sun is in 11:19
Degree and Mercury at 06:57 Degree, so total difference is approx 04 and
half degree however Mercury is in own Sign, so even being in 8th house
in her horoscope, she doesn't feel anything lack related to mercury and
she is quick and successful decision maker and running successful
business of Vastu products and giving TV Shows.
Refer another example -
Case Study - 4
above horoscope, There are four planetary conjunction is in fifth
house, Sun is with Saturn, Mercury and Ketu, However as per degree
Saturn is combusted by Sun as Saturn is in 25:52 degree and Sun is in
21:07 Degree, However Saturn is sitting in its own sign Capricorn,
However Sun itself is quite weak in Shadbal and entire conjunction is
under Subh Kartari Yoga formed by two benefics Venus and Jupiter,
Anyways this horoscope belongs to former Indian cricketer Md.
Refer another example -
Case Study - 5
horoscope belongs to an electrical engineer, In his case Sun and
Jupiter sitting in 4th house along with Rahu, However Sun is in 19:58
and Jupiter is in 14:03 degree and getting burned by Sun however Jupiter
occupied its Own Sign Pisces and Even Sun is quite depressed by Rahu,
Person is quite successful and getting higher salary from company.
Lets move to the point number -2, If
Combusted planet is getting strong benefic aspect from the benefic
house, so it can give great relief to the combusted planet.
(Jupiter, Venus and Mercury) and their aspect are always considered as
good and can remove many obstacle from horoscope if they are well
placed in horoscope.
Refer below horoscope -
Case Study - 6
Above horoscope, Venus is combusted from Sun as sitting in 21:26 degree
and Sun is in 23:31 Degree, As Venus is moving to the Sun, However
Venus is sitting in exalted sign Pisces and also getting aspect by
Jupiter from 11th house, Person is professionally quite
Lets move to the point number -3, If
Combusted planet is getting in the house where it gets Digbal
(Directional Strength) , so it can give great relief to the combusted
Refer below horoscope -
Case Study - 7
above horoscope which belongs to a female who is shifted USA post her
marriage, As per ancient text Mars should be 17 degree away from the
Sun, However Mars is too close to the Sun as Mars is in 23:46 Degree and
Sun is in 21:59, getting combusted by Sun, However Mars is sitting in
10th house and getting Digbal, Even Venus is also combusted as per
standard degree parameter but as involved in Sign exchange with Mercury,
which is saving Venus also, this lady is well settled in USA and
working in designing company.
As per point number - 4, If
Combusted planet is getting exalted and well placed in divisional
chart, so it can also give great relief to the combusted planet.
remember, any combusted planets cant destroy entire horoscope, its just
creates issues related to the ruling houses and its own significances,
So if any planet which is weak in D-1 through combustion however exalted
in D-9 or Sitting in friendly sign, under benefic influences or Under
Pushkar Bhag or Pushkar Navamsha or Vargottam Navamsha, Even strongly
placed in D-60, these situations are not less than a blessings for
combusted planets.
Now the final point number - 5, If
Combusted planet is retrograde in horoscope.
as my personal observation i would like to say that combustion doesn't
affect any planet if its retrograde in horoscope, and the only reason
when any planet become retrograde in horoscope its automatically becomes
too powerful.
itself a great Power, As we know whenever any planet coming near to the
Sun so Sun is just burning that planet -
basically even when planet is too close to the sun and if retrograde so
it doesn't get affected, Retrogression power is just saving that planet
in a great way, and we can say that combustion is nothing in front of
As i
have already clarified in my retrogression article is that, As Rahu and
Ketu which are known as shadow planets then why Rahu and Ketu is eating
Hot Sun & Cold Moon like Pizza and Burger, and this is possible Just
because power of retrogression, They even cant touch Sun and Moon if
they are not retrograde hence they are always retrograde in horoscope so
that they can eclipse the Sun and Moon.
is the main reason Rahu and Ketu are never considered as combusted even
if they are too closed to the Sun, Even they are damaging Sun if they
are in close conjunction with Sun, Which is also known as Grahan Yoga in
horoscope, So If Rahu and Ketu could be too strong due to retrogression, Then why other planets cant be??
if any planet which is closely connected with Sun however in retrograde
motion, so its does not get combusted by Sun heat, as retrogression
power is saving that planet...
Lets refer few horoscopes -
Case Study - 8
above horoscope, Sun is in 25:04 Degree, and Mercury is in 17:23 Degree
however retrograde, So even Mercury is under approx 7 degree from Sun,
Mercury has not a least affected from combustion, As this horoscope
belongs to First Indian Female IAS Officer Kiran Bedi who is famous for
her intelligence in entire India.
Next Example is -
Case Study - 9
This is best example for such condition as in above horoscope, Sun and Mercury are almost in just a less than
half degree difference as Sun is in 00:43 Degree and Mercury is in 00:59
Degree however retrograde, So its quite clear that Retrogression and exaltation energy saving
mercury from the combustion, This horoscope belongs to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Refer another legendary horoscope -
Case Study - 10
In above horoscope, Mercury is in 8th house and very close to
the Sun,
As Sun is in 24:25 Degree and Mercury is in 23:43 degree, however
mercury is
exalted and retrograde so almost free from Combustion. however Mars is
also combusted but conjunction with two benefics, First is Venus and
another is retrograde mercury, And this horoscope belongs to Mr. Amitabh
Bachchan who does not need any introduction.
However if you want to learn more about retrograde planets Just Click Here
As we knows our entire horoscope is purely based on previous life deeds, so what are that deeds which are responsible for planetary combustion???
Yes its true that combusted planets signifies some malefic or weaker deeds from past life which you can understand through combusted planet placement and condition in horoscope, However the main imp fact about combustion is "It is like a Deduction".
Combustion is natural process and to give you certain result based on
your past life deeds planetary combustion is required, however its
basically a deduction which signifies "Something has been deducted from your luck Store due to your past life sins"
process of any planet is just a contribution to an event related to
your life which will affect your life negatively surely, refer below
example -
Case Study - 11
Above horoscope, Venus is combusted by Sun as very close to the Sun,
Venus is in 03:12 Degree and Sun is in 03:41 Degree, As four planetary
conjunction are available in 11th house, So this person was worldly
known Saint, However as i have written in my downfall article, Saturn
never leave if you follow immoral path, So finally in debilitated Saturn
Maha Dasha person has faced severe downfall as got caught in sexual
scandal related to female and imprisoned now. However several other
parameters are also available in horoscope like debilitated Saturn is
exchanging Sign with Mars which is in 8th house of sex, So you can
observed small contribution of combusted Venus (Which rules female and
sex), And yes this horoscope belongs to richest saint Asha Ram Baapu, who were doing hidden sins and got caught in Saturn Mahadasha.
However if you want to learn how to see Downfall in Career in Vedic Astrology - Click Here
remember combustion of any planet does not make your life hell, its
just affect ruling houses and its significances but mainly presence of
combusted planet in horoscope signifies that something has got deducted
from the destiny which you will surely experience in your life, As to
give you certain result based on your past deeds planetary combustion is
required, It doesn't lead to the scandal always like Saint AshaRam, but
could support to even little event which may be important for you...
but combustion effect of any planet is always not horror as mentioned in
ancient astrology, however if your horoscope is weak you can feel its
effect due to presence of other bad yogas....
i have seen people never trying to find exact source of sufferings,
however just start blaming Combusted planet, Retrograde planets or
debilitated planets if they have these in their horoscope. but trust me
without analysis of your overall horoscope you cant understand that.."Never, ever"
And if you are searching effect of individual combusted planet in my article so dear you wont find it here, because i don't
write planetary effect on the basis of single parameter, Because any
combusted planet in horoscope also sits in specific house, Specific
Sign, and same time could be in conjunction with other planets, effect
of other positive and negative influences can change the result. Hence
effect of individual combusted planet (which is available almost in all
online articles) cant be correct and require proper judgement to
predicting through them.
remember combusted planet never deny the result, but result will
depends on the nature of planet, Even if combusted planet is yoga Karaka
then too with little hurdles planet will produce it result, it cant
deny however the way of giving result could be little different then
normal planet, and if other planets also influencing then prediction
should be made on the basis of all factors.
planet (If too close to the Sun) loses its strength which could affect
health of the person, And combustion of any planet affect personal life
much than the professional life.
astrologers suggest to wear gemstones so that combusted planet can get
the strength, however please beware because if combusted planet is bad
for your horoscope and if your increasing its strength then be ready to
face severe sufferings instead of profit....
all players in any team cant perform equally, and even all team members
are equally giving their best, Than too only two or three players can
perform well in any match but yet we require contribution of all players
because wining is depends on team work only, Same happens with the
planets as all nine planets cant be exalted or debilitated in horoscope,
So no matter how strong and weak they are in horoscope, they are never
out of the game, and even they have got burned but still they can help
you out by their little support (Support could be good if benefic or bad if malefic or both).
So guys it was my research about planetary combustion in Vedic Astrology, I hope you would like it and If you like my
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From: Sourabh Soni
Coming Attraction of The World
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