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Hello Guys,
Welcome to Vedic research portal and
here we are going discuss about state of the planets and their impact in human
life. Most of the time when peoples think
it is bad to have debilitated planets in their chart. But sometimes it is good
to have debilitated planet in the chart for some areas of life. The Exalted
planet in the horoscope shows a very good past karma with respect to the area
of life, however Neech planets do show some lack of karma in the field of
governance of that planet. Exaltation and debilitation only signify
the actual quality of planets in Vedic astrology.
Astrologers claims
that if planets are debilitated in horoscope so they would be considered as
powerless however exalted planets are considered as powerful. I think this is
misinterpreted by astrologers only or if it is written in Vedic ancient text
then too I would say astrology system needs to be updated as it is old and all
rules are not correct and not applicable for all universe because if powerless
or debilitated planets are bad so when we browses through many top celebrities
and top leaders charts, we can come to know that at least two or more planets
in debilitation in their charts, which makes them to have royal life style and
making them royal person. Both debilitation and exaltation have good/bad
results, but don’t make the structure on the basis of exaltation or
debilitation only as there are lot more which comes in between.
Because I have seen
people over tensed when they know that they have got planets in debilitation in
their horoscope.
However to
understand this theory more deeply we should understand the actual meaning of
exaltation and debilitation. Which is our main topic here, so let’s start
our journey -
First of all we
should understand the basic -
What is
debilitation in Vedic astrology?
Debility is like an illness which
seriously affects someone or something's strength or ability to carry on with
regular activities. And if we describe it
more so a planet is fully inauspicious, if it is in its
debilitation. So whenever planet occupies debilitated sign generally considered weak and destroyer.
What is an
exaltation in Vedic astrology?
Exalt means to glorify or
elevate something, Exaltation means a feeling or state of extreme happiness,
the action of elevating someone in rank or power. So whenever planet occupy an
exaltation sign generally considered strong and good. And if we describe
it more so a planet in exaltation is considered highly strong.
Exaltation is eternal life, the kind of life king lives. The person who
has three or more exalted planets in the chart lives in great glory and
possesses all knowledge and all wisdom as per Vedic text.
It is medium in strength if it’s in Mool Trikona
sign or occupied own Sign. Its strength is only nominal if it is occupied a
friendly sign.
I don’t want to write much
about planets occupied own sign here because you can find a lot of information
about the same through internet… I would like to give more light on the bad
part of astrology which is known as debilitation system in Vedic astrology … Or
even I would like to say debilitation is as good as exaltation…
People ask to me, Why debilitation
or exaltation of planets are imp in astrology?
And I always give same answer to
everyone and every time, is that “This is going to affect your life”
Happiness or sadness of your entire life depends on it”…It’s also represent
your Karmic punishment or rewards of previous birth Hence very important…!!
Exalted planets can give you
anything easily but in case of debilitation you have to fight alone as you
won’t get any help (except from god) which is actually makes person stronger….
Debilitation is like a fight with
destiny where you have to prove your ability and have to tell the destiny that
you also deserve for happiness…
I would like to remind you
that even god was in sufferings and under
influences of planets when they were on earth...so straight away no one can
escape from the effect of planets. Person born in day time or night time, on
particular date, even particular day, Nakshtra during birth, Pada During Birth,
Paya, Charan, Yoni etc. Everything matters in human life as you get by affected
by them as your characterization is purely based on them... Even planets in
some degree can change the game, no matter whether they are debilitated or
exalted...So beware and never ignore even a small point because everything
matters in astrology... So -
Exaltation means you have done something
very good in the past birth related to the exalted planet in respective area
(Ruled house) and debilitation means you have done something very bad related
to the debilitated planet but it does not means
that if you have done bad in the past birth so you are going to repeat the same
in present birth too… Even in exaltation is not a guarantee that you
are going to repeat the same good deeds in present birth because that is
totally up to you how do you act in present birth…
I know my many friends with two or more exalted
planets in their charts however still walking empty and don’t have any aim to
do… Amazing but true
So never be happy when you see
exalted planets in the chart and never be sad to see planets in debilitated
position in the chart… exaltation or debilitation alone can’t guarantee
anything, as you also need to check another available positive and negative
factors in the horoscope before giving any conclusion about future.
Let’s do some comparison between exalted or debilitated planets and later I will give quite interesting examples of world top celebrities those are shining in the world just because of debilitated planets and will also show you the way how to deal with debilitated planets when you are getting suffer by them… how to convert that negativity into positivity -
I will highlight the comment so that
you can understand it in a better way (Red for Debilitated and Black for
Exaltation) so -
Because when you get full glass of
water in your hand by someone then you don’t need to do anything apart from
drinking it but when you get empty glass then it is up to you what do you want
to drink in this glass… But you have to work hard to get that drink which you
want to drink by this glass….
Whenever you find two or
three planet Neech in the chart it means you have got Neech bhang yoga in your
chart by default…
Whenever you get three or more
exalted planets in the chart so chances are equally high to get Raj Bhang yoga
in your chart…
Debilitation has many
positive points same exaltation has many
Debilitated planet makes
opposite house (7th house from where they sits) strong because
they aspect their exaltation sign.
Example – Sun
sitting in 11th house in the sign of Libra but aspecting 5th house
which is Aries and exaltation sign of Sun
However exalted planet gives bad
impact to the opposite house (7th house
from where they sits) because planet
aspects its debilitated sign…
Example - Saturn sitting in 11th house
in the sign of Libra but also aspecting 5th house which is
Aries sign as well as debilitation sign for Saturn... So along with positive
effect person will also face many hardship related to the fifth house due to
Saturn bad aspect on it (Saturn aspect is already bad by the way…Ha ha ha ha
Whenever two debilitated planet
aspects each other, Neech bhang yoga occurs for both the debilitated planets which
gives power to the planets as well as to the people to fight against adverse
When two planets occupied exaltation
sign but aspecting each other, Raja Bhang yoga occurs and even a king will turn
to be beggar if having such yoga in their chart as per ancient text (however in
modern times it signifies setbacks only).
someone has two or more debilitated planets in their horoscope then chances are
much to be multi-talented but vice versa two or more planets are exalted or occupied own
signs then still no guarantee to be multi-talented… (Refer Chart of Leonardo Da
Vinci in the same article below).
If someone has four or five planets
in their exaltation or swarashi simultaneously don’t have one or two
debilitated planet in the chart then entire chart is useless and no raja yoga
will fructify… In short exaltation is depend on
other debilitated planets to give their best…
However there is no such
condition with debilitated planets…
Exalted planet can give you
everything easily and have power to touch the sky as its gives power to make
Debilitated planet can give you lot
of hurdle’s and troubles, but when they start giving person can go beyond the
sky and can touch universe…debilitated planet will give you power to make history…what more I should say…..Yes
Note – Don’t judge the planet on the basis of their
exaltation or debilitated position because their position in other divisional
charts (Especially in D-3, D-9, and D-60) is quite important. Also check their
total power (All Shadbal and other Non Shadbal Factors to examine the actual
power of planets).
I don’t need to describe power of
exaltation here because there are lot more articles are available over internet
however I am here to write about debilitation so if you want to know more about
debilitation or Debility cancellation Yoga, Then must read my below article
which is purely based on debilitation of planets –
Life has many turns and each turn requires -
do you know how planet affects us and what are their jobs???
If your answer is “No” and
then use below link and read my entire article “Game of the planets” and
understand how they affect us and what makes them good or bad, then come back
to this article -
Guys I
would like to make you clear one updated Vedic text for the planets which is –
Because persons those have two or
more exalted planets in their chart always act very proudly and fearless and
always try to ignore moral value of things because they always get everything
very easily without working hard so later such person can face downfall too.
Have you feel ever one sound coming from
your inner side “please follow and do all whatever your heart says”
Yes My friend that’s your inner soul voice… and even person those have exalted
planets also feel the same because it happens with everyone but it is
depends on you what do you want to do
I have already clarified in my previous article that -
“Planets jobs are very simple they
are going to create a situation and will put you on that”
so if they are well placed in your
chart and acting as positive so no doubt situation would be good but it could
be negative too in case if they are badly placed or giving their debilitation
Have you ask any person who has
rapped someone or have killed someone or did something very wrong in their
life... How do they feel after doing such crime??
I have asked from one who has killed
two person and took his revenge and replied me that he has got mental peace
after doing this but he didn’t know why sudden such thing happened and his mind
forced him to go for kill someone … (He was my class mate and have killed his
step mother and her daughter)…
So finally "Planets
created a danger situation for him and he got fallen in that situation" however
he never wanted to do it because he knew it is a crime and his whole life is
going to be destroyed but the day he avoided his voice of inner soul he did a
crime and become criminal.
Let’s see his life
from closer angle – As far as I know
he was moderate in his studies and was belong to a middle class family and lost
his mother in his early age. His dad remarried again with a lady and had one
daughter from that lady so he was completely unhappy from his step mother
because she had never treated him like her child. So even since childhood he
doesn’t wanted her step mother… then too he has spent many years with her and
faced many mental suffering so alternatively he was listening his heart and
could not do anything wrong with her step mother and sister but at sudden point
his mind become violent and he has killed both of them. And as far as I know
him he was never thought to kill them. (I don’t remember his birth details so
can’t share).
So whenever you are fighting against your destiny so always -
See guys debilitation is not only reason behind failure of someone or
behind any crime as I will
show you charts of many peoples in my upcoming articles based on crime where
planets are exalted but still they have done many crime. It does not mean if
person have exalted planets will not do any crime…So basically there are lot
more factors which act as per the planetary positions and situation given by
them in life and needs to be calculated all together before judging anything. (Hence
complete analysis of chart would be require to predict about future events).
Another important
point is that “Rahu and Ketu are known as Karmic
planets” in Vedic
astrology. They act as triggers to deliver both Karmic rewards and Karmic
punishments in our life” so act very carefully if you have these two karmic
planets debilitated in your horoscope.
Rahu and Ketu are
the part of same body hence can’t be together in main birth chart (It is
possible in divisional charts) hence you always find them seven places apart
from each other so if Rahu is debilitated in the chart then Ketu would also be
debilitated in the chart and they both always hold the same degree however they
both act just opposite to each other as Rahu is Fake planet and Ketu is all
about Truth.
Karmic means Karma
(Deeds) – And Rahu
and Ketu provide their results as per one’s Karmic log. So if someone has
destroyed life of another person so how he could be happy in his next birth.
Because destiny is purely based on karma so If you are destroying others life
then be ready to pay back… That are karmic log which Rahu and Ketu
As I have already
told you I am not an astrologer and I am just like you peoples entered into
astrology while finding answers of my questions, I wanted to know reason of my dark
past… so I started learning astrology to get that answers because no other
science can answer about such question except astrology… However I did so many
practical and research which I am sharing with you people so that it can help
you. However I still can’t do prediction (And will never do in future too), Even
I don’t know English too much because I studied from Hindi medium even I use
Google translator to write my article in English…that’s the main reason you can
find too many grammatical mistakes in my all article however I am recovering
those error day by day whenever I get feedback from my readers and friends.
Ohhh…..Guys please leave my story because it has no end, So my motto is to
tell you only -
Every bad thing has something good in it…..so just try
to find that
Note - You can read my
debilitation article to know more about debilitated in birth chart and even you
want to know the benefits of that planet even after being in debilitation.
Now I will tell you -
what happen if someone gets two, three or more planets in debilitation in their
chart -
Such persons always
get tested by destiny in every corner of their life. They get failure more than
success as its quite natural in such cases. Personal life of such person would
always be suffer (Related to the debilitated planets), such peoples are multi talented
(most of the time) and always trying their luck in many fields but can get only one way success
till the age of 30 to 35. But still overall horoscope analysis would be require
to give final judgment -
But how to know in
which field they should try??
So guys no
astrologer can tell you this however astrology can but now a days astrologer
are not so capable except few. But I think you don’t need to go anywhere
because listen “what your heart says to do”
Because if your
heart says you have to be a Doctor, Or an Engineer or sportsman or even an
Actor but you are doing job in any other field… so in short you are ignoring
the voice of planets and instruction given by them so they start giving mental
tension like you won’t or never be happy when you do such work or other job and
always be in under pressure and you will feel your life is like hell and will
get equal mental tension from personal and professional life.
However you will
get lot of trouble even too if you are trying to get success in desired field
like if you want to be an actor or anything else, you are going to face lot of
trouble there too. But you have to win that situation.
straight away, decide single career as your heart says… you will get your
success there only…But must do analysis on yourself like -
Because whatever
exalted planets will give you. Debilitated planets
will give you more than that at certain point of your life.
Because while
writing this article I have observed more than 100 charts and one notable point
was that peoples those have exalted planets in their charts are working in MNC
Company as Manager, Director or CEO. But the peoples those have two, three or
more debilitated planets in their charts so either they are living very
low class life or Ruling the country like a Ruler and
all directors or CEO are obeying rules made by such person.
Trust me guys if
you have debilitated planets in your charts so please closely observe what is wrong and what is right going
around you and act cleverly to save yourself… Never think you can’t succeed
when you see all doors are off… try to look at an open window.
Everything in life happen for a good
reason because it teaches you something, treat every mistake which you made as
a lesion to make you a better person…Trust yourself and pray from that almighty
who is watching everything -
It is good if you
have got exalted planets in your chart but if you have got debilitated planets
in your horoscope “then you have been blessed by god”… Trust me…..
So let’s start example session now, and these all celebrities have debilitated
planets in their charts however known as ruler in their time – First chart is -
Albert Einstein
This person is known for his intelligence and great
mind however Karka of Intelligence (Mercury) and Karka Of Mind (Moon)
both are Debilitated in the chart...As Mercury is debilitated in 12th
house and moon is debilitated in 6th house, He was not as intelligent in his
early childhood, but when planets started given him, that man became a
historical Scientist, next example is -
Michal Jordan
American Basket Ball Player has Mars and Moon debilitated in
his chart but still he was great player, refer next chart -
Prince Charles
Prince Charles has Venus and Sun debilitated in his chart... However
he is still a prince of UK and richest in matter of Wealth, refer another
horoscope –
Leonardo Da Vinci
He has Rahu, Ketu, and
Mercury, three debilitated planets in his chart however he was really multi-talented
Da Vinci was an Italian
Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician,
engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and
writer. refer next another celebrity example -
Sachin Tendulkar
God of Cricket World Sachin Tendulkar has Four
planets in debilitation state...can you imagine but still is
an emperor of cricket world....
Rahu, Ketu, Jupiter, Mercury, are debilitated
in sachin's horoscope...
Note – Nodes sign position
for debilitation is still a matter of controversy, few considers Scorpio is
debilitated sign for Rahu and few consider Sagittarius, however in modern
astrology I have seen that Rahu is performing quite good in material world even
being in these signs too, however to get more clear picture you can read my
article on Rahu and Ketu.
Refer Next example of another Queen –
II is, Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, and Head
of the Commonwealth, She has Jupiter and Mercury debilitated in her birth chart.
Refer another horoscope below from sports world -
Serena Williams
Very famous sports woman, Serena
Williams who has Karaka for sports which is mars itself debilitated in her
chart, but still she is notable personality in sports.
You might be thinking
why am I writing this when I am not a writer or astrologer???
So answer is till
now I am biggest and successful failure but soon I am going to convert my
failure into biggest success and I am not saying that on the basis of good or
bad Raja Yoga’s available in my charts. I am just saying on the basis of my
confidence (Even Karaka of Confidence Sun is Debilitated in my chart) and on
the basis of my lord almighty who is helping me through unknown helping hands
and giving me power to fight with negative energy and teaching me how to win
from adverse situation…See guys basically I am not trying to teach you anything
but I am just helping out to find you within yourself…Enough
So if you find
debilitated planet in your horoscope so don't be afraid and just
follow your life aim and keep saying - Yes i Can and one
day you will say yes "I DiD IT " Hurray
guys it was my long research about "Exaltation VS Debilitation in Vedic
Astrology", I hope you will like it and If you like my article and
want to be my friend and interested to read my further articles so Just open
below link and like my Facebook page but please don’t be my fan... Just be
my friend...
me on Facebook – Click Here
From: Sourabh Soni