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The Pain of Loneliness
is my second article on moon, and i was researching since long time to
clarify Kemdrum Yoga, because there are lot of misconceptions found on
internet about Kemdrum Yoga, And again the result mentioned in ancient
text for Kemdrum yoga is very Horror, indeed which is not at all
am writing this article as per modern time, and i have researched these
facts through many horoscopes, even i will give you few horoscopes here
as an examples, but lets refer first what ancient text books says about
Kemdrum Yoga -
Kemadruma Yoga Definition as per ancient text:
If there are no planets other than Sun and nodes in the 2nd and 12th houses from Moon
and if there are no planets other than Moon in the quadrants from lagna, this bad
yoga is present, and if the same time moon is also un-aspected by any planet such yoga gives extreme difficulties in life...
Result : One born with this yoga is unlucky, bereft of
intelligence and learning and afflicted by poverty and trouble. This bad yoga
kills the results of other good yogas in the chart, especially Chandra yogas.
One with this yoga has to work hard and succeed through great efforts.
In Another Text - The native with Kemadruma Yoga will be deprived
of life, drinks, food, residence, robes and friends, though he may belong to regal
scion. He will suffer from poverty, grief, sickness and be dirty. He will live
by hard labour, be wicked and be inimically disposed to one and all.
as per modern time, these maximum comments are not applicable and
result is not so horror in real life, Now my research gets start from
here -
As per ancient Vedic astrology Kemdrum Dosha is one of the worse and A grade bad dosh,
which gives poverty as per ancient text and person born with this yoga
faces lot of hardships and their mind are always unstable.
However its not at all true in modern time....First of all Kemdrum is Not Yoga, Its a kind of Dosh
which depressed moon in horoscope, because moon is very happiest planet
among nine...and also the source of light along with sun, and have its
own impact in human life....!!!
Sun is a source for moon energy hence we cant include Sun in Kemdrum Dosh, however as per ancient astrology Sun
represent father and Moon represent mother and when Father and Mother
meets then only you come in the earth...
Closeness of Moon towards sun makes "Amavashya" And when moon goes closer to the sun it makes moon Weak hence sufficient gap is quite good for moon from Sun.
Sun and Moon are the source of life in the earth, and their condition
& power is always important, and always a primary part of
observation during horoscope analysis, their powerful situation in the
horoscope makes your entire chart powerful, Because if Mother and Father
are good so child also gets the benefit.
we are just taking about Kemdrum dosh which comes due to loneliness of
Moon in horoscope, Moon is the planet who is surrounded with other
planets in the galaxy and feels happy with the benefics and friendly
of Kemdrum Dosh in horoscope mean absence of Sunapha, Anapha, and
Durudhara yoga in birth chart which are causes by situation of Moon.
To learn more about Sunapha, Anapha and Durudhara yoga in details along with Examples - Click Here
presence of plants (Except Sun, Rahu and Ketu) in 2nd and 12th from the
Moon causes Sunapha, Anapha and Durudhara yoga, So any planet next to
moon is like a path teller and planet which is 12th from the moon is
like a back support for the Moon. So whenever Moon have support of other
planets like if planets are sitting 2nd and 12th to moon (Specially benefics like Jupiter, Venus and Mercury), Moon gets extreme support and perform very well as causes Durudhara yoga in the horoscope.
Note - Sun
is a source of energy for Moon and Rahu and Ketu are merely shadow
planets which are not capable to produce individual result and depend on
the depositor to act hence we don't include Sun, Rahu and Ketu while
calculating Kemdrum Dosh, Because even if they are present of 2nd or 12
from Moon, they are not capable to save Moon and cant remove her
loneliness and depression of Kemdrum Dosh...
whenever in any horoscope, Moon have no planets in 2nd and 12th from
its position, so such situation creates depression for Moon, because
moon missed the back support of other planets.
Another point is, Moon is a significator of feminine energy and known as female planet -
Kemdrum dosh is very basic concept, if alone lady who has no support in
his life and who is totally alone, so how she will act and react in her
Moon is also a significator of mind,
& power of moon in our horoscope signifies our decision making
ability, So if Moon has no support of other planets is like A mind who has no Guidance to move further in life and which is feeling scary and losing ability of decision making.
And this situation become very severe when Moon is suffering from Kemdrum Dosha however in the same time, Loosing Paksha Bal and no planet is aspecting moon so moon feel totally alone and depressed --
that was the situation of Kemdrum dosh, Now lets move to the another
part which is known as Kemdrum Dosh Bhanga, because anyone who has
Kemdrum dosh in his or her horoscope always looking Kemdrum Bhanga
parameters in their horoscope...!!!
So i would like to ask, whether really "Bhanga" word exist in astrology????
And answer is big No, because nothing gets cancelled once written by almighty god, however there are some situations in astrology which signifies modification in result of that particular good or bad yoga.
So Bhanga is a situation which modifying the Kemdrum Dosha...But it never cancel Kemdrum Dosh...!!
before reveling Bhanga parameter i would like to share Past Karmic
truth behind Kemdrum Dosha, the Past Karmic deeds responsible for any
good or bad yoga in your horoscope - So lets discuss that,
As Per Karmic Text -
Person who's mind is always involved in sinful acts and always
misleading others towards wrong path, when someone in need of mental
support but they denying for support, Such people suffer from Kemdrum
Dosha in his life and as per its effect their mind loses guidance and
most of the time they face mental frustration, mental peace of such
peoples always get suffered, Kemdrum Dosha also signifies curse
blessings of your mother, (Moon is all about mother) so ill behave
towards mother also causes this yoga, like if someone is always
receiving curse words form her mother, because your mother is not happy
with you, So its universal truth no body can escaped from mother curse
words(also known as Abhishaap),
But as no body can do same wrong deeds throughout life, few also
corrects their mistakes later in previous life itself, So such people
gets modification situations along with Kemdrum Dosha, and if
modification situation occurs in horoscope which means person has
rectified his mistake later in his life...!!!
So i hope karmic theory is clear to you, if not then feel free to drop me an email...!!!
Now lets discuss the parameters which gives relief from Kemdrum Dosha in Vedic Astrology -
1 -
If Moon is suffering from Kemdrum Dosha However the same time it is
getting aspected by the depositor or involved in sign exchange with
2 - If Moon is suffering from Kemdrum Dosha, However getting aspected by benefics or conjunct with benefics (Jupiter, Venus, Mercury).
3 - If Moon is suffering from Kemdrum Dosha, However occupied Taurus or Cancer sign in birth chart.
4 -
If Moon is suffering from Kemdrum Dosha in D-1 chart, However occupied
Taurus, Cancer in D-9, or getting aspected or conjunction with benefics.
5 -
If Moon is suffering from Kemdrum Dosha in D-1, however strong in D-9,
which means later till the age of 30 person may suffer from Kemdrum but
situation would be quite better in later half.
6 - Moon occupy Kendra Houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th), But should not loose Paksha Bal...!!!
7 - Availability of Adhi Yoga, Gajkeshri Yoga, Maha Bhagya yoga is quite capable to give you great relief from Kemdrum Dosha.
above situations just gives modification in evil effect, but its not
cancellation hence you cant escape from entire evils, As per moon
situation in horoscope, little mental stress will always be a part of
your life(which is very common these days and each one has mental
tensions even without Kemdrum Dosh) and person will face little
financial crises time to time if moon is weak in horoscope.
moon is depressed and facing loneliness in life due to Kemdrum Dosh, so
no matter how powerful and rich you are, you have to face little
bit...Sorry...Life is all about Deeds...nothing else...!!!!
the good point of kemdrum dosh is, its doesn't signifies poverty in
each case, Only those have Daridra yoga along with Kemdrum yoga in
horoscope may face financial crises in life.
the main point is, If Kemdrum yoga is not so severe harmful in life
then why most of the peoples are suffering too much, and facing poverty,
not happy in relations, no mental happiness??
as per my observation, Entire suffering in life doesn't comes through
single bad yoga, I have seen many horoscopes to write this article, and
found that the person who has Kemdrum Yoga but also have another bad
yoga in his or her horoscope like, Vish Yoga, Grahan Yoga, Paap Kartari
yoga, Daridra Yoga, Pitra dosh etc....are mainly suffering hard in life,
however astrologers just putting entire blame on Kemdrum Dosh...Hence
please use your own sense and understand the real meaning of any yoga,
so that you can find real source of your sufferings.
dosh affect throughout life if it is available in D-1 and D-9 both,
because availability of Kemdrum Dosh in D-1 may give you sufferings till
30 or max 35, but if moon is also weak in D-9 then suffering time gets
increase, Hence Moon situation in D-9 is very important.
However if you want to know Moon effect in various Navamsha chart so Just - Click Here
who has alone Kemdrum yoga in his or her horoscope always needs a
support to move ahead in life because if they doing anything alone so
they get fear in mind is like whether are they taking right step or
not...That's it..!!
lets have few horoscopes as examples, Those have Kemdrum Dosh in
horoscope however still they have achieved great heights in life -
Mr. Bala Saheb Thackrey
chart belong to Maharashta king, Late Bala Saheb ji thackrey, however
in his horoscope moon is sitting in Lagna house and there is no planet
is in 2nd or 12th from the Moon, So this horoscope is suffering from
Kemdrum Dosh, But as Moon is sitting in Kendra house so moon is getting
quite relief from Kemdrum dosh, But still they have faced many issues
when Raj Thackray has created another party, and may be many more issues
which we might Don't know..., another Example is -
Mr. Raj Thackray
above case, Moon is in 3rd house, but no planet is in 4th and 2nd
house, means chart is getting affected by Kemdrum Yoga, But Moon is
getting aspected by friend Mars, And moon is also strong in D-9, But
still he has faced several issues while separation from Bala Saheb.
Note - Degree wise sun goes into 8th house of raj horoscope, its little software error, so pls take care as here we are just calculating Kem drum Dosh, refer next example -
Note - Degree wise sun goes into 8th house of raj horoscope, its little software error, so pls take care as here we are just calculating Kem drum Dosh, refer next example -
Mr. Bill Gates
Above Case, Moon is in 10th house, there is no planet in 9th and 11th
house from the Moon, Kemdrum Dosha is available, However moon in Kendra
and getting aspected my friend mars and benefic lagna lord mercury, Adhi
yoga is also available as all benefic are 6th, 7th and 8th from Moon,
hence despite Kemdrum Dosh person is world richest personality. !!!!
Film Star Dharmendra
above case, Moon is in sixth house and no planet is in fifth and 7th
house, Moon is suffering from Kemdrum Dosh but as moon is getting
aspected by Mars, Saturn and Venus, So however he is successful and
rich man but he is still struggling mentally because this yoga is
happening in sixth house and Saturn aspecting debilitated sign, next
example is -
George Fernandes
above case, Moon is sitting in Leo in fifth house, but no planet is in
4th and 6th house and another point is moon is also not getting aspected
by any plant, so moon is quite alone here...Well i am not aware about
his personal life but yet Mr. George Fernandes is a former Indian trade
unionist, politician, journalist, agriculturist, and member of Rajya Sabha from
Bihar, so quite successful..
Mr. Ghanshyam Das Birla
In above case, Moon is sitting in own sign cancer in 6th house and getting aspected by mars but there is no planet in 5th and 7th, Still he was business tycoon of india, next example is -
Film Star Jim Carry
above case, Moon is sitting in 8th house in exalted sign Taurus and
also getting aspected by Jupiter, there are no planet is in 7th and 9th
then too he was richest actor of Hollywood film industry and quite successful, However he always play very funky role in his movies... next example is -
Mr. M.G. Ramachandran
Above Case, Moon is in libra in 9th house but there are no planet is in
8th house and 10th house but moon is getting aspected by Jupiter, He
was quite successful actor, director, Politician of Indian history, Next example is -
Film star Raj Kapoor
Above Case, Moon is sitting in Kendra in own sign cancer along with
Rahu and there are no planets are in 2nd and 12th from Moon, However he
was successful but he was quite depressed mentally, even when his last
movie " Mera Naam Jokar" got flopped, He was in much depression, finally left the world, Now Final horoscope is -
Lord Shri Krishna
In his horoscope -
Moon is in Kendra house (1st house) occupied her exalted sign Taurus
and getting aspected by Saturn and there are no planet is in 2nd and
12th house, But i have no words to describe his chart, he was lord and
can do anything...!!!
Note - There are many horoscopes are available for lord ram & Shri Krishna, so its up to you which one you want to refer as i have taken above chart from B.V. Raman Text.
Note - There are many horoscopes are available for lord ram & Shri Krishna, so its up to you which one you want to refer as i have taken above chart from B.V. Raman Text.
remember guys, Kemdrum yoga is bad for horoscope but its not worse,
hence dont need to refer horror result of ancient text, because in
Kaliyug everything is Ulta Pulta...Kumdrum yoga depressed Moon and to
live happy life happy moon is primary requirement...!!!
Well, Do you know actual power of Moon ???
Power of Moon i am just describing in few words as, Nothing
is impossible for Moon, it can give everything and huge, like money, happiness,
wealth, fame and success everything…So if Moon is happy in your horoscope so surely going to make your life happy.
However if you want to know more about Moon in details just - Click Here
point is, i have seen when people find kemdrum yoga in his or her
horoscope so they start looking for remedy, so lets discuss on that part
also -
Remedy - Never
for remedies because it doesn't work in every case because if you
destroyed someone else life
then how can you expect that remedy will save you, However if there is a
pain in life so god has also given pain killer, Hence prayer is the best
remedy as just one true prayer can save you from Kemdrum Evils effect,
as Lord of Moon is
God Shiva, Hence pray from Lord shiva to forgive your all sins because
if your prayer got accepted so your life will automatically come on
Finally Moon wants to say that, if you are not so much into astrology so please remember -
guys this was research on Kem Drum Yoga in Vedic Astrology, I hope
you would like it… If you like my article and if you want to be my friend and
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From: Sourabh Soni
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