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Karmic Law for Money Restrictions |
Hi Guys,
I hope you peoples are
fine and doing good in your life, Also thanks a lot for your feedback's on my
articles which I am getting on daily basis through email, which is really
encouraging me a lot.
Today I am going to describe
Daridra Yoga which is another bad yoga of Vedic astrology and signifies
hardship related to money and wealth and 80% population of the world are
suffering due to money issues.
As per ancient text, Daridra (Daridra is a hindi word)
yoga means A combination which signifies severe poverty in our
life, basically daridra means not only poor but who has nothing or you can say like daridra means a person who struggling in all areas of life (Daridra not mean only empty pocket).
Note : Its basically not a yoga and we should call it a Dosha, (yoga signifies prosperity and dosh signifies curses, Hence its not a yoga and its a kind of Dosha), However in each classical terms it has been narrated as a yoga, Which is a fault of modern translators.
Note : Its basically not a yoga and we should call it a Dosha, (yoga signifies prosperity and dosh signifies curses, Hence its not a yoga and its a kind of Dosha), However in each classical terms it has been narrated as a yoga, Which is a fault of modern translators.
As per the ancient time
when only beggar were known as Daridra as they were begging from the kings to
live and survive.
as I have already described in my previous articles is that, astrology
has changed a lot and astrology terms needs to be updated with the
time, because now a these days even definition for beggar has been changed a lot.
there is huge a difference in Dadridrata and Poverty, As Daridra is a
person who has nothing in his life and begging to eat even on daily
basis, And they are totally dependent on us to survive, and actually
such people is known as Real "Daridra"......See below picture... (Who has nothing in his life)...!!!
Poverty has another different definition, as poverty signifies
restricted situation in life and anyone could face poverty situation in
life, As poverty is a significator of little hard time.
in Vedic astrology, Combination and parameters are same for Daridrata
and Poverty (Because astrology is been written 6 to 7 thousands year ago
and totally based on ancient time when there were no difference in poor
people and Daridra people).
However Don't worry i will clarify both the situation as per modern time in updated words with updated meanings.
per modern time, Poverty comes in three way, Any person (Even Rich
peoples too) could be a poor if below mentioned any one parameter is
applicable on them -
First is Physical Poverty - IF persons health is suffering due to any reason then person is Poor in matter of Health, And it is said that person is facing physical Poverty... However if a Person is free from all diseases and living healthy physical life then we can say that person is free from physical poverty.
Note -
Physical poverty is basically comes from Weak Lagna and Lagna Lord, but
there lot more parameters in astrology which signifies physical
Second is Mental Poverty - If a person is mentally ill and missing mental happiness in life, then we can say that person is facing mental poverty.
Note -
Mental happiness is basically depends on power and situation of Moon in
horoscope, as moon is a significator of mind, however still a lot more
parameters exist in vedic astrology which signifies disturbances in
mental peace.
Third is Wealth Poverty - If a person who is missing wealth or have insufficient money in life is known as Poor in matter of wealth.
Note - All the astrologers alone calculating wealth poverty in under Daridra yoga, however its not correct way. Because any person who is facing poverty in all three areas is known as real Daridra.
hope now you can understand difference between Daridrata and Poverty,
However physical and mental poverty are some different subjects hence i
will write a separate article on each very soon, But now here we are
going to discuss wealth poverty only.
Vedic astrology result of Bad yoga's has been narrated in very horror
way, however in modern time definition and effect of each things has
changed totally, But the main things is that we are living in modern
time but still using old concept and definitions and their result (Which
is very horror).
So before describing Parameters for financial poverty in life, I would like to clarify few misconception about Daridra yoga -
have read and even found in many astrology software's is that,
placement of 2nd, 5th, 9th, 10th, and 11th lord in 12th house create
Dadridra Yoga, because 2nd, 5th, 9th, 10th, 11th lords generate money
and 12th house is house of loss, so if these planets goes into the 12th
house, so ancient text regards such position of the planets as Daridra
However i am not agree with it, so let me clarify my point of view -
per vedic text, 2nd, 5th, 9th, 10th and 11th houses are money houses
and their lords are the money giving planets, or you can say like that,
these houses are like doors through which money enters in our life, if
all doors are properly open then only person can expect huge money and
wealth in life.
However if these doors are blocked then persons face restrictions and lack of money and wealth in life.
there is another concept which i would like share here with you
peoples, as per vedic text 2nd house is a house of money and 2nd lord is
known as primary money giver in the horoscope.
But i would like to add something more in that, 2nd house is "Store house" of money, because whatever you get through 5th, 9th, 10th and 11th houses, it gets stored in 2nd house, Thats why if
second lord goes into the 12th house of horoscope, which merely
signifies that person would not able to save money in his life, But its doesn't mean person is not able to earn or going to face poverty in life.."No..not at all".
per Bhawat Bhavam concept, 12th house is 11th from 2nd, Hence 2nd lord
position into the 12th house never puts a question mark on earning, Its
simple mean is that person will face issues due to expanses, or you can
say such position of 2nd lord destroy money saving capacity merely.
Same happens for other houses too, As 12th house is 3rd from 10th and 2nd from 11th
house, Hence if 10th and 11th lords goes into the 12th house, It does
not mean person cant earn huge money in his life. and another point is
12th house is also signifies foreign countries, so even 10th and 11th
lords(if powerful & Beneficial) in 12th houses can also give you huge money through foreign connection.
However i have also read that if these money giving planets also goes into 6th or 8th house so they create yoga for poverty, But its not true....
please remember one point related to money, If 2nd, 5th, 9th, 10, 11th
houses lord goes into the 6th, 8th and 12th houses so they never create
Daridra yoga unless and until they are in great fall (Combustion,
Debilitated or under malefic associations).
Any planet which is sitting in 6th, 8th and 12th houses merely signifies whatever that planet wants to give you, it will give you after some hardship or through hard work only, But it never deny the result....!!!
Should i give you examples through horoscopes - Okay lets have few examples -
Mr. Dheeru Bhai Ambani
horoscope belong to Indian business Tycoon Dheeru Bhai Ambani, In his
chart Venus and Mercury which are the lords of 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th
house sitting into 12th house, So however he has faced little hardship
in his initial stage but later he became top rich person of india and
created Reliance group.
Lets see another example -
King BhumiBol
chart is belong to King of Thailand, however you can clearly see that
there are five planets are sitting into 12th house itself (Lord of 2nd,
3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, and 12th houses), but still he is the
king...and Ruling Thailand as Great Ruler...!!!
Another example is -
Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi
Above horoscope belong to BJP Leader Mr. Murli Manohar Joshi, In his chart Lagna Lord, 3rd, 4th, 9th, 10th lords are in 12th house along with Rahu. However he is still ruler and living happy and rich life.
remember merely planets position in bad houses (6th, 8th, 12th) doesn't
signifies poverty or does not make yoga for Dadridrata(Penniless).
Lets discuss few more combinations which signifies poverty or known as Daridra yoga as per ancient Astrology -
As per ancient text one experiences poverty
if the following Yogas (combinations) are present in one’s horoscope at the time of birth : -
(1) Lagna lord is in
12th and 12th lord is in Lagna. They are conjoined or aspected by a maraka
Note: The 2nd and 7th
houses are maraka (killer houses) and their lords are known marakas (killers), Any
malefics occupying 2nd and 7th or associating with 2nd and 7th lords also
become malefics.
(2) Lagna lord is in
6th and 6th lord is in lagna. They are conjoined or aspected by a maraka
(3) Lagna or Moon is
with Ketu. Lagna lord is in 8th. A maraka planet conjoins or aspects lagna
(4) Lagna lord is with
a malefic in a dusthana (6th, 8th or 12th) and 2nd lord is debilitated or in an
enemy’s sign. Even a royal scion with this combination becomes poor.
(5) The 5th lord is in
6th and 9th lord is in 12th, with aspects from marakas.
(6) Malefics occupy
lagna without 9th and 10th lords, aspected or conjoined by marakas.
(7) Lords of the signs
occupied by 6th, 8th and 12th lords are in 6th, 8th and 12th houses,
conjoined or aspected by malefics.
(8) Lord of the sign
occupied by Moon in navamsa is with a maraka or occupies a maraka house (2nd
and 7th).
(9) Lords of lagna in
rasi and navamsa are conjoined or aspected by marakas.
(10) Benefics are in
malefic houses and malefics are in benefic houses.
(11) Planets conjoined
by 6th, 8th and 12th lords give loss of wealth in their dasas, if they are not
conjoined or aspected by the lords of trines.
(12) Mars and Saturn
are in 2nd and Mercury doesn’t aspect them. (Exception: If Mercury aspects Mars
and Saturn in 2nd, great wealth is generated.)
(13) Sun is in 2nd is
aspected by Saturn. (Exception: If Saturn doesn’t aspect, Sun in 2nd
gives wealth)
If the Lord of 2nd is in 6th, 8th and 12th, while the Lord of 11th is
also falls in the same bad houses and 2nd house is occupied by a
malefic. There will be penury right from birth and
the native will have to beg even for his food, even if the Lords of Dhan
and Labh
Bhava are both combust, or with malefics then too same result will come
to pass.
(15) The native will be a
spendthrift, if the 12th from Atma Karak receives a Drishti from the dispositor
of Atma Karak, or if Vyaya Bhava receives a Drishti from the Lord of Lagna.
So these are the parameters
which is been prescribed in Vedic astrology by our great saints however
i will still say please don't refer merely one or two parameters
because final picture would be depends on entire horoscope.
know you might be thinking that if above parameters are written by our
old great ancient astrologers then why i am putting on question mark on
their words..... But its not the case and i am not putting question mark
but i just want to say all the bad results ascribed to above
parameters may
not materialize in reality, due to weaknesses in them or due to presence
of any powerful aspect or yoga may have power to change the entire
situation. No bad yoga can destroy your entire horoscope unless that
yoga is very
strong, Just one yoga or parameter cannot make or break a
personality, unless it is very powerful. In the case of Yogas with many
conditions, partial results may sometimes be experienced if all the
are not satisfied.
you want to see an example, why i am saying like that - Ok lets pick
rule no-1 from above poverty signifying yogas, which is -
(1) Lagna lord is in
12th and 12th lord is in Lagna. They are conjoined or aspected by a maraka
Now refer below Example -
above Case, Lagna lord Sun in sitting in 12th house and 12th lord moon
is sitting in Lagna house, so there is a sign exchange between Sun and
Moon(Lagna lord and 12th lord), However Mercury being Lord of 2nd (Marak
house) is sitting with Moon and Another Marak planet Saturn (lord of
7th) is aspecting them, situation for poverty is available in her
horoscope but still this lady is a multi multi millionaire and very famous personality...Oops... But why??
So answer is - She has faced
little hardship in her early life due to presence of such situation,
However if we look another positive factors in her horoscope, So however
Lagna lord and 12th lord are sitting in each other houses but they both
are sitting with one one benefic planets as Moon is with retrograde
Mercury and Sun is sitting with Venus, and apart from that, Mercury
which is sitting in first house along with Moon in retrograde situation
causing great yoga for Wealth, Because For Leo Lagna Mercury alone Rules
Two power full wealth house which is 2nd and 11th.
So in short in spite of Poverty yoga she also have very powerful money yoga in her horoscope which is turning her game in matter of money....
Anyways above horoscope belongs to USA Famous POP Singer Maddona... !!!!
guys always calculate entire horoscope to get clear picture, because
only complete calculation of your horoscope can show you real picture
that you are born for the Royal life or born for the begging -
no matter how many poverty yogas you have in your horoscope, But if you
have powerful much Dhan yoga in your horoscope then it can change the
entire game, and Its like you are losing money from two hands but also
earning from four hands.
always calculate Poverty yoga and Dhan yoga together along with Power
of that yoga, to get the clear picture through your horoscope.
guys, Maximum parameters which is been written in ancient astrology
signifies poverty, and Poverty yoga merely puts restrictions and they
are not capable to make you begger...
lords of 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 11th are in great fall (Occupied their
debilitation signs, Or Combusted, or losing strength in Shadbal and
Navmasha, or associated with malefics), Which actually makes person
Daridra, Means all the source of money and wealth has been blocked by
destiny and giving circumstances for begging...!!!
Well, another point is "Why Daridra yogas comes in horoscope"
know everyone who has poverty yoga in his horoscope wants to know past
Karmic deeds responsible for Daridra yoga in his or her
horoscope.....because your entire life is all about past karmic deeds,
and deeds makes life royal or beggar as planets merely gives an
indication nothing else.
Well we can get this answer through Karmic Book -
as per the karmic book, The person who is running away from family
responsibility, earning to miseries, doing
hidden sins related to money create yoga for poverty in his next birth, however snatching
or destroying others wealth, money and happiness makes person Daridra
(In case of Daridra yoga, destiny snatching everything from the person and
destroy his or her life totally and putting them on the road to beg).
Because in your horoscope planets signify only that good or bad deeds through their placements...!!
your past life deeds were good so planets will be well placed and will
occupy good situation in your horoscope, however if deeds were worse
that too planets will signify by occupying bad situation in your
horoscope....So remember life is all about deeds and planets merely signifying rewards that deeds in your horoscope.
Now the final point is, If you have Poverty yoga or Daridra yoga in your horoscope, so when can we feel its effect in our life???
So answer is -
If at the time of birth Lord of the Lagna (first house), Lord of the
Ninth house, and Lord of the eleventh house are occupied their
debilitation sign, or combusted by Sun, or weak due to the malefics
association, then it is quite sure that person is going to face poverty
and hard life since childhood and if the same time Sun and Moon are also
weak in the horoscope then childhood in severe poverty is 100 % guaranteed.
if any positive situation is not available in the chart or even
Navamsha chart is weak, then person is going to spend his or her entire
life in poverty.
point is Few face poverty in early childhood, few face poverty in
middle age and few face in old age, and few face throughout life, So
remember poverty doesn't wait for Maha Dasha or Antar Dasha to give you
hard life however still they have their own importance.
as per observation i have found that even planetary transit is enough
capable to turn your entire life (Like Poor to rich or rich to Poor).
if you are facing Maha Dasha of poverty giving planets, then remember
Maha Dasha is always a long time.... and no one can run away from their
bad destiny.
dont be happy if you found good positive factors and combinations in
your horoscope, because no matter how strong your horoscope is, Still
we all are beggar and always beg something from God.
and the same time don't
afraid when you see any Bad yoga in your horoscope, Because we can edit
our destiny, Just you need to trust on almighty lord who can change
everything, Nothing is impossible for God and just one true prayer can
change your entire life.
guys this was my research about Daridra Yoga in Vedic Astrology, I hope you
would like it… and If you like my article and want to be my friend and
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From: Sourabh Soni
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